Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Marriage Tip of the Week - Power Stances Improve Sense of Self Worth

This week I watched a video on Ted TV.  The speaker, Amy Cuddy, was wonderful! She spoke about the connection between how we feel about ourselves and our body language.  This is pretty obvious.  

Professor Cuddy's research reveals the reverse is also true:  when we place ourselves in a power or victory pose, we feel more confident, self-assured and powerful. One such pose is the "superwoman pose."

Patricia Stimac and Kent Buttars in Photo Booth 

Here we are:  I'm in the pose and Kent's getting ready!

OK!  Kent's got his arms up (as far as they can go for the moment as a result of his numerous cycling encounters with pavement and such) in the victory pose.  Are we feeling better?  Yes, we are.

Patricia Stimac and Kent Buttars in Power Poses

Patricia Stimac and Kent Buttars in Photo Booth

What a great thing to do.

As you see, it worked for us!

We'll been playing with this technique and it really is effective.  The next time you are going into a situation where you want to be your most confident, take two minutes in a private place, stand in a power pose, then go forth. 

This is us going forth ...
Patricia Stimac and Kent Buttars in Photo Booth
Thanks to Julie Harmsen's Photo Booth images!

If premarital preparation is in your future, give me a call at 206-789-9788 or contact me through our website:

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