Saturday, April 5, 2014

Bicyclists and Blanca Lake Wilderness Proposal!

Ashley and Adam on bicyclng trip in Belgium and Amsterday - Kent Buttars, Seattle Wedding OfficiantMeet Ashley and Adam.  At our first meeting, they biked to our place.  Of course, Kent loved them immediately (as did I) because he too shares a passion for human-powered transport.  

This is a photo of the two on their bicycling tour in Belgium and Amsterdam, which was a fantastic experience!

It is obvious the two are destined to be together.  Let me tell you a bit about the proposal.
 Adam proposed to Ashley at Blanca Lake - Kent Buttars, Seattle Wedding Officiant
Now the hike to Blanca Lake isn't long, but it's not easy. For the first three miles the trail ruthlessly climbs 2700 feet.  Then, the trail advances up a slope of luxuriant old-growth Douglas-fir and hemlock forests. After another three miles of incessant switchbacking and climbing, there is a small gap and then you start dropping to the big cirque housing big Blanca Lake.

So why was Adam being excessive, carrying an inflatable raft along with all the overnight backpacking equipment.  The reason became clear: he used the raft to row the two of them to a secluded meadow on the other side of the lake ... and then he proposed. 

Now that is going to great lengths to proclaim your love.  Good job, Adam!

The two are planning to wed in September in Leavenworth, of course.  

Very happy for the two!

If you are planning to wed and looking for an officiant who also loves to bicycle, be sure to give us a call at 206.789.9788206.789.9788 or contact us through our website.

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