Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bellevue Art Museum -- Elegant Wedding Setting for an Elegant Couple

Tameka and Manoj in the main hall at the Bellevue Art Museum

Manoj and Tameka decided to wed at BAM.  It was a sunny Seattle day (remember, we had a great summer and it was one of those incredible days).

Manoj and Tameka gazing at each other on their wedding day

Both were so happy and excited to be marrying.  It was a delight to see them together.

All was ready, including the rings.

The wedding rings framed by Tameka's bouquet

Manoj and Tameka's rooftop wedding at the Bellevue Art Musem's Court of Lights

Tameka and Manoj were wed on the rooftop of the museum, called the Court of Lights.  (By the way, it was very easy to make your way to the museum and there is free parking under the building -- so convenient.)

Isn't this a truly dramatic setting!

Wedding ceremony of Tameka and Manoj at the Bellevue Art Museum

Spice Ceremony at Manoj and Tameka's wedding

Spoons filled with spices for the wedding "spice ceremony" 

Manoj and Tameka included a spice ceremony as a symbol of their unity.  It is a custom that has its roots both in Africa and the Middle East and we crafted it as a "recipe" for a healthy and well-balanced marriage.

Tameka and Manoj hold hands after Spice Ceremony at their wedding

Manoj and Tameka recess after their wedding ceremony


Tameka, Manoj and their mothers with the marriage certificate

Then to the conference room, a very large and spacious area which Tameka used as her "bridal room."  The mothers, Glenna and Annette, joined us to make the marriage "legal."

The two enjoyed a a bit of time take in the moment before rejoining us, dressed a bit more casual and ready for fun! 

Tameka and Manoj return to the celebrations of their wedding ceremony 

While Manoj and Tameka were changing, the guests were enjoying themselves at the cocktail hour. City Catering Company kept everyone fed -- they even modified some of their appetizers to fit my gluten-free diet.  Very much appreciated.

Bellevue Art Museum "Bold Expressions:  African American Quilts:

Since the museum was open, I took the opportunity to check out the exhibits.  My favorite was the strip quilts, entitled "Bold Expressions: African American Quilts."   I loved them.  So vibrant and creative and inspirational.  Just seeing them made my heart soar. 

From there, I went back to the cocktail hour and was fortunate to make the acquaintance of a number of Tameka's friends who helped with the details of the wedding.   

Tameka's friends at the cocktail hour - Bellevue Art Museum wedding 

Tameka and Manoj's candy bar at their wedding 

One of these tasks was the setting up of the candy bar -- always a big hit!

And speaking of sweets ... Manoj and Tameka are fans of Molly Moon ice cream (as am I).  They arranged for the Molly Moon truck to drive into the loading area.  What a treat!!!

Guests waiting in line for Molly Moon ice cream

Manoj and Tameka in front of the Molly Moon sign with its wedding specialties

There were specialty items created to honor Tameka and ManojThey were delish.  (Makes me want to drive to Wallingford this very second and have more.)

Manoj and Tameka are certainly on the stairway to happiness.

Tameka and Manoj on the stairs of the Bellevue Art Museum

Tameka and Manoj wed at the Bellevue Art Museum (BAM)

Wishing the lucky couple the very best in life!

Catering:  City Catering Company
DJ Services and Photography: The Pros
Sweet treats:  Molly Moon

Planning a wedding ceremony that is as unique, personal, engaging and would like a bit of assistance, give us a call at 206-789-9788 or through our website:  www.aheavenlyceremony.com.

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