Monday, October 8, 2012

Three Days Left to Vote in the King 5 Best Officiant Poll and Marriage Tip of the Day

Yes, there are just a few days to cast your very precious vote for A Heavenly Ceremony in the Best Officiant of Western Washington Poll.  Just click here.  You do need to register -- sorry about that.  But then you can vote for many other businesses you value. 

And, now on the Marriage Musing (Kent pointed out it isn't really a Tip) of the Day.  Over the weekend I officiated for Alex and Nina at Kiana Lodge.  Nina was so lucky that both of her grandmothers were there to witness her exchange of vows. 
While Jeff Schmitt was photographing family members, I chatted with one of the Nina's aunts. (Surely, more photos will come.) She explained that one of the grandmothers (on the left) was wearing the dress she wore at her wedding.  I guess I looked confused, calculating in my head her approximate age and the dress styles of that time.

Her aunt explained:  it was her second wedding.  Evidently, the first marriage lasted 45 years and the second 25! I don't know what impressed me most:  the longevity of the marriages or the fact that she married happily twice.  Evidently, she was 65 when she wed the second time.

Love was still available.  Love may be different or it may change but it will still be good.  Have faith in it.  (Kent says "Now it's a tip!)

It got me thinking about time and how it affects marriage.  Each year seems to pass more quickly and each year seems more precious.  When I step back just a bit from my daily pursuits, the change in perspective helps me get perspective on our marriage.  I remember how thankful I am for all of Kent's skills - he is very proficient in a number of areas and he is more interesting and intriguing as well.  Perhaps reflecting on relationship provides a means of acknowledging what has grown and matured, what remains a challenge, what possibilities tomorrow will bring.  

If you are looking for an officiant for your wedding -- the early stage of your journey of love -- please contact us at 206-789-9788 or through our website:

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