Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10 Days to Vote for A Heavenly Ceremony as Best Officiant of Western Washington and Marriage Tip of the Day

Vince Lombardi:  "Winning is not a sometime thing; its an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit."

Vince, you really got it right with this one! 

And, as for the marriage tip of the day, you could just as easily substitute the word "Love" for "Winning."

"Love is not a sometime thing; its an all the time thing.  
You don't love once in a while; 
you don't do things right once in a while; 
you do them right all the time. 
 Love is a habit."

Kent and I joke about this all the time.  We are reaching the age when a person thinks about their future years.  Our brains and bodies are still working pretty well, we are very happy with our work and live active lives, our relationship is getting better and better.  We would to ensure that we continue to live independently, healthfully, happily.  We believe good habits can help, big time.
Kim and Colin love the ocean
so they spend as much time there as possible.
They even decided to wed on a beach.

So if Kent is driving and cuts a turn a bit closer than kosher or I try to juggle too many things at once, we simply say "Good habits!" Generally, we both laugh and modify our actions because we want to continue to improve ourselves and the quality of our lives.

When you think about what good habit would make your life and the life the one you love even better, what would that be?  What could you do today?

One good habit is to act as a fan for those you value.  If you were pleased with your wedding ceremony and are ready to vote for Best Officiant of Western Washington, click here and cast your very valued and appreciated vote!

(Premarital preparation is available through A Heavenly Ceremony.  Call 206.789.9788 or contact us through our website:  www.aheavenlyceremony.com.

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