Wednesday, September 26, 2012

15 Days to Go -- Make Your Relationship/Your Marriage a Priority

Today, many thanks to Elizabeth for casting your vote for us.  It takes time to do that ... and you made it a priority.  We can assure you that it makes us feel warm and glowing and cared for. it.  Thank you.
When thinking about the priorities in life, I often think of Carolyn Myss.  She uses the example of each of us receiving $100 energy dollars each day.  Then, we spend those dollars:  some we spend in a way that contributes to our health, to our happiness, to our prosperity, to our well-being.  When you chart your energy dollar expenditure, how many do you invest in your primary relationship?  Today, is the perfect time to invest a few more dollars in a creative and fun way.  Enjoy!

If you have a dollar or so to invest in voting for the Best Officiant in the King 5 poll, we would love it.

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